AXIS MY INDIA - CONNECTING INDIA TO BUILD INDIA. Axis My India - Connecting India to Build India

Product Sampling & On Ground Activation

Why distribute product samples randomly?

Talk to Axis My India for verified & targeted product sampling across 20 Cr Households.

A unique combination of Sampling + Market Research + Brand Awareness.


Door to Door Sampling by AMI representatives.

Micro targeting to the desired brand target audience.

  1. Pin-code level
  2. NCCS AB households

Random Photos will be taken while giving the samples and the same will be shared with the brand team.

Technology based back checks to avoid any pilferage - IVR facility for recorded audio feedback


Consumer Feedback – Question on current brand consumption captured through CAPI + Future purchase intent can also be captured after 3-4 weeks on a certain % of audience.

Brand Awareness through on ground activation:

Branded Van to be used while distributing the sample.

Information dissemination & awareness building.

Promotional video, Clips with social messages/ CSR activities.

Pamphlet distribution along with Sampling.


Market Research Survey Activation
Market Research Survey Activation
Market Research Survey Activation

Market Research Survey Activation
Market Research Survey Activation
Market Research Survey Activation